
金牌设计太平洋家居网2017-05-23 14:34:43

  空间设计理念为“未来的旅行社”。在西方,线下旅行社无处不在,采用的都是传统度假预订方式。 The big idea was “The travel agency of the future”.In the West, brick-and-mortar travel agencies areeverywhere and reflect the old way of booking a vacation. 相反,中国大多数旅行者都是在线预订,而很少选择线下旅行社。我们希望通过赞那度第一家体验店来预测未来的旅行预订方式和旅行体验。 In China on the other hand, most travel is being booked online, and offline agencies were never really popular.We wanted ZANADU’s first brand space to reflect how travel will be booked andexperiences in the near future. 这一设计理念对设计及功能性的影响: The big idea influenced the design and functionality ofthe space: 设计十分具有科技性。空间看上去就像一个爆炸的像素景观。数字云垂悬在天花板上,数字化的立方体分散整个空间。像素的元素即代表了品牌的线上属性,完美的融合到了线下环境中。

